Friday, November 8, 2013

Sharp NLP

Sharp NLP is a open source natural language processing tool. You can use this for your C# program. I tried following links. You can include the relevant dlls to your C# project and make your code work.


Sunday, June 9, 2013


Prezi is presentation tool that can used to create your presentation more creatively. Try it.. :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013


VRML programming is interesting area when designing scene. VrmlPad is good a place where you can start programming.

I have designed very simple world with using existing dolphin  object and modified sphere object. This is a scene where a dolphin is playing with a ball in water. I have used sounds also here.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Basics in C#

Simple, modern , object oriented and type safe language.

Type safe - Type safety means that the compiler will validate types while compiling, and throw an error if you try to assign the wrong type to a variable

It is from C family. Immediately familiar to C, C++ and Java.

C# standardized by ECMA and ISO/IEC

ECMA - European Computer Manufacturers Association  : Ecma aims to develop standards and technical reports to facilitate and standardize the use of information communication technology and consumer electronics; encourage the correct use of standards by influencing the environment in which they are applied; and publish these standards and reports in electronic and printed form
Supports for component oriented programming

The basic coding unit of C# is a class. Both data members and methods (functions, procedures) must be defined within a class. The class itself is the basic unit of a component. A class must define within a namespace.
The namespace concept in C# (a way of organizing custom design classes, interfaces, struts, and enums) actually fit perfectly with a Component.
It has everything necessary to write components:
  •      Attributes
  •         Properties   
  •         Events   
  •         Interfaces
That's basically all you need for a component-based architecture.

Garbage collection automatically reclaims memory occupied by unused objects.

Exception handling provides a structured and extensible approach to error detection and recovery.

C# has a unified type system-

All C# types, including primitives (int,double etc), inherit from a single root “Object” type.
All types share a set of common operations, and values of any type can be stored, transported, and operated upon in a consistent manner

Versioning in C#’s design.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The magic of Vedic math - Gaurav Tekriwal

I got this video link from one of my office friend. There are nice stuff related to numbers.

Watch it and have fun. :)

Thanks to Nuwanthika. :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Deniable Encryption

What is deniable encryption?

Deniable encryption is a type of cryptography that allows an encrypted text to be decrypted in two or more ways, depending on which decryption key is used.

As a example following scenario can be considered.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

User Interface Design

In the field of Human Computer Iteration, the UI design becomes a complex and most important area today.

Following link is regarding some guidelines which contain information on design principles, and guidelines for controls, commands, text, interaction, windows, messages, aesthetics, and the Windows environment. They help designers and developers create high-quality Windows applications with a consistent "look and feel."

Welcome to the writing again. :)

Well, first thing, this is some kind of rethink of blogging.
I want to manage somehow the time I have, for me and my interests.

So back to writing. :)